God is the sovereign and only good which it is lawful for us to desire, and to the possession of which we should unceasingly aspire. |
Do not desire a thing which is bad or forbidden, do not desire too eagerly a thing which is even good in itself. The Israelites in the desert, not satisfied with the heavenly nourishment which God provided for them, sighed inordinately for the flesh-pots of Egypt (Exod. XVI, 3). Very far from imitating them, we ought to be contented with the portion which God has given us of earthly goods. |
We ought not to attach ourselves to any creature with the inordinate attachment of him who loves a thing as his own. |
Let us not abase ourselves so far as to love anything that is less than God, since we are permitted to say with David: "The Lord is my portion and my inheritance" (Ps. XV, 5); and with the Spouse: "My Beloved is mine, and I am His" (Cant. II, 16). |
He who desires anything besides God, and not for God, does not love God as he ought (St. Francis de Sales). |